Thursday, November 24, 2016

It's Gonna Be Okay - This Is Exactly What You Need to Hear Today! - The Piano Guys

It's Gonna Be Okay - This Is Exactly What You Need to Hear Today! - The Piano Guys: Comments comments

I agree with the heading! Tired of hearing all bad news in the
media? Looking for something positive to think of?
Tired and discouraged from hearing doom and gloom? Then click
on the link!

It's a Good Life

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I
have so much to be thankful for that a
simple thank you to God feels too simple. May
we be good stewards of all He has given us and
done for us.

I'm thankful for my family and friends

I'm thankful for our home

I'm thankful for Jesus going to the cross and
saving my family and me

I'm thankful for our freedom in this country. It is very precious,
people!! Don't take it for granted!

I'm thankful for God's Word in our own language...I can go on
and on. And I'm thankful for you blog readers.

And, I...I'm thankful for the time we had with Chloe. I still miss
her very much, but I'm thankful for how God has been trying to
heal the hurt.

Good-night! Love, Rebecca

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thought for the Day

This is from an article that I have. My Bible has incepts from
I think sermons by a guy who's heart went out to women and
he tries to point them toward Jesus. Or was this written by
a woman? I'm not sure. Anyway, these articles have spoken
to my heart many times and I thought I'd share this one with
you today. These thoughts on paper have often convicted me,
inspired, and sometimes brought me to tears. Personally,
I struggle with certain kinds of changes in life, especially
sudden change unless it's something I'm really excited about. 
And right now, we're having to do rearranging in different
parts of our home so Ryan will have his own room. Ahem,
rearranging is not my thing! I tend to like a lot of things
to stay the same, so at times and depending on the change,
it's a real struggle for me! So if you could please pray for us
to work together peacefully through this, and for me to trust
God and pitch in.

Oh, yes. Please, please pray that I complete my GED before
January!! I've been enjoying the science, but still fighting
through the math. I do have extra help for that but it feels
like such an long, long road.

Anyway, I hope this article can speak to someone who needs
it as much as I do right now.


Missing You

Today would've been her birthday. Still miss our
sweet dog. We have adjusted, but it's still so hard
to believe how fast she went! Love you, Chloe!


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


AMEN!!!! But I'm still voting. Our TRUE
citizenship is in heaven, BUT while here on
earth, I am a citizen of the United States and
I am going to let my voice be heard by saying through
my vote who I feel is best qualified to lead this country!
That person may not be a Christian, but don't forget what
God can do!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Miracles From Heaven Official Trailer #1 (2016) Jennifer Garner, Queen L...

If you have not seen this movie, it's a good one! Dad took Annah and me
to see it when it was in the theatre, and it really moved us. We cried and
cried, but it's based on a true story and how the Lord carried the Beam
family through a painful trial that seemed like it would never end. You
should watch it. it encouraged us in many ways and praise God that He
is using it to bring glory to His name.